Search Results for nike,2024:/cgi-bin/mt//feed/nike 2024-05-05T17:23:35Z Movable Type 4.21-en 3 1 3 Nike x LIVESTRONG - Chalkbot,2009://2.805 2009-10-24T22:58:07Z 2009-10-25T13:29:28Z KELP Los invito a pinchar play para conocer este curioso robot que imprime mensajes sobre las calles. Esta práctiac es uno de los tantos caminos para hacer publicadad de una manera novedosa y con alto impacto. via... Nike Vandal High Premium Screwed Up,2009://2.533 2009-04-20T19:10:31Z 2013-03-15T13:36:51Z KELP "This is a brand new pair of Nike Vandal High Premium Screwed Up. This is part of the Nike pack that was released for New York, Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago. This pair was made for Houston and is... Os Gemeos y Nike se juntan para crear y diseñar zapatillas,2006://2.244 2006-03-08T18:40:57Z 2013-03-15T13:49:03Z KELP